My mom worked on the assembly line at Mattel Toys when I was a kid. My aunt, Dora
and my aunt Berta worked there also.
This is back when Mattel toys were made in Hawthone, California, USA! I
loved the stories my mother would tell about working at the famous toy company.
My mom described the Hot Wheels department as rows of tiny cars with ladies on
either side working the assembly line performing some function such as
polishing the cars, plugging the spoiler in place, bagging the cars, heat
sealing the car on the card, etc. I pictured Lucy and Ethel on the assembly
line at the chocolate factory only with Hot Wheels cars!

Friday, my mom brought home some little gifts for me. Sometimes it would be a
few Hot Wheels cars. She explained that Mattel had a company store on the
premises and they sold these cars to employees for a quarter because the cars
had little imperfections or were molded in the wrong color (for that model) or
had missing labels, etc. I had a greatest collection of 1969 year cars
in all kinds of funky colors like hot pink, turquoise and yellow gold. I had
about a dozen Custom Volkswagen cars in every color of the rainbow! Hot Wheels
cars had the most amazing "Specratraflame" colors and finishes. Real works of art!

Sunday afternoon, my mom and I would go to my aunt and uncle’s house to visit
and have dinner. I loved to go to my cousin Bruno’s house to play Hot
Wheels. They had a big living room
and we could spread out the Hot Wheels track set with the Power House, the
corkscrew loops, the bank curves and watch the cars race. Bruno had some Hot
Wheels cars that my mom had given him. We would lie on the floor watching the
cars at eye level and play for hours! It was probably about 9:30 when my mom
announced that it was time to go home. We begged for a just a few more minutes,
my mom gave me the ‘look’ so finally I began to dismantle the track set and
slowly put the pieces in the box. I started to collect up my cars and put them
into the big Rally Wheel.

Bruno started to pout and say he wanted to play more then he claimed that one
of my cars was his. I said, “Bruno, I just brought that one over, my mom gave
it to me a few days ago”. “No!” I
tried to pry it out of his hands but he was squirming too much. We started to
wrestle then Bruno’s dad shouted from the dining room to knock it off.
mom heard the commotion and came over to reason with Bruno. “Brunito, we have
to go home now, honey. Portate bien,
and we’ll be back next week, okay?” He got up, started to stomp his feet and
shake his little fists. Then, he kicked the Power House and knocked it over.
Then he grabbed a couple of Hot Wheels cars, one in each hand. He started to
cry and scream, “They're mine! They're mine!” All of the sudden, he threw
the Hot Wheels and cars went flying. I don’t remember if any of the cars hit my
mom but she was pissed off! She picked up an orange Hot Wheels track and swatted
both of us across the butts. There’s nothing like the ‘whirring’ sound of a Hot
Wheels track! Bruno screamed, jumped like a little squirrel and ran into the
bedroom. Tearfully, I packed up the rest of the playset and my cars and my
Power House. We said goodnight to my aunt, my uncle and my little cousin, Mimi
and went home.

few days later, my mom said she didn’t want any more fighting with Bruno about
whose car was whose so she decided to paint my initials on the bottom of each
of my cars. The only kind of paint she had was nail polish so to this day; I
have Hot Wheels cars with the initials, OM, in iridescent pink polish.